Ven con Nosotros a Espana - Dias Uno y Dos
Ok for real this time, I’m gonna try not to retell a whole story in words of what went down. Only because I spent HOURS upon HOURS making a series of 5 vlogs. I had posted a new vlog each Tuesday for 5 weeks, and when I totaled the time, I’m like crap, I can’t believe I made something that’s 3 min shy of an hour long lol.
So primarily I’m hoping this will just be pics, but there might be a few parts that need a back story. Otherwise, I’m just dropping photos in here lol. I decided to break this post into 2 blogs just because it was originally one LONG photo blog.
Dia Uno
Dia Dos
Alright, so I wanna take a sec to talk about this building.
The Basilica De La Sagrada Familia has been under construction for the last 130+ years. It’s not expected to be completed until 2026. If I’m not mistaken, they just officially got their building permit from the city like a week after we left Spain LOL. So June 2019…and they started building in the late 1860s lol.
Anyway, one of the things that I LOVE about this architectural marvel is the amount of biblical references and history they’ve engraved into its framework and structure. There are three main facades to the building, a nativity facade, a passion facade, and a glory facade (which isn’t finished). I didn’t capture all of the building’s exterior like I wish I had, but the parts I’ve shot (passion facade), tell the stations of the cross (events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and His resurrection).
While we stood outside, a man from Cleveland…or Columbus walked up and started conversing with me and Age. We started pointing out the areas depicting each story, but there’s still one point I couldn’t figure out what it’s portraying.
The sculpted pieces ascend three levels in a ‘S format’ to tell the story. I didn’t capture it in order nor all of it smh.
Below is where Judas betrayed Him with a kiss.
This is called a “magic square” or “enchantment square“. It’s like a Sudoku puzzle but every column, row and diagonal direction total the same sum. All of these total to 33, which if you know, is believed to be the age at which Jesus was executed.
This part I think is the guards leading Him away or when Pontius Pilate presented Him bound before the people.
Peter denied Him three times, notice the rooster to the bottom left of the sculptures.
I believe this is when they beat him before the trip to Golgotha.
When He was carrying the cross on Golgotha.
So this is the one that I still am unsure of what it is exactly lol. It’s a guy on a horse, with what looks like a spear, but it’s not the point when he was pierced in His side.
So what I initially thought was Jesus being held, is instead I read “the veil of veronica?” From wiping the blood and sweat from Jesus’ face.
The crucifixion.
To the left of the crucifixion is when the when guards were basically shooting craps over his clothes.
Now Age spotted this one and the next one. This in between the bone shaped pillars, (could be signifying how they didn’t break His legs???), shows His resurrection. When Mary and Mary Mag went to the tomb and the angel said “Why do you look for the living among the dead?"
And lastly, that I captured anyway, is Him ascended and seated. Age pointed out on the right, and I’m like sooo at the right hand of the Father maybe??