
Joseph and Roslyn - Anniversary

Back on July 31st, I had the pleasure of capturing moments for Joseph and Roslyn Williams' 2nd year anniversary. These two have a lifelong story of how they've grown together as kids, friends, while courting and ultimately as a married couple.

We visited their old stomping grounds - Oakland University, where part of their story took place.


Joe and Roz have known each other all of their lives. As with some childhood love stories, one party is interested and the other isn't. Roz was crazy about Joe from the start. She was 9 when she first had a crush on him. When she was 14, she fell in love with Joe. But Joe didn't have the same affection due to her age and him being a senior in high school.

When Roz hit a certain age, Joe finally told her he loved her back. Joe moved to OU first, and when Roz finally started, he helped to move her into her dorm. They spent as much time as they could together, everywhere on campus. Since then, they've been inseparable. 

At first, like most people, they didn't know what to really do in a session. I told them I let people have fun and will jump in to direct when needed. So after getting them to loosen up, the entire session was nothing but laughs, great conversation and numerous reflections. These two know each other like the back of their hands.

They ate lunch and dinner together almost every night and often met up for Chick-fil-A and Fourth Meals in the cafe.

Of course being on campus was a struggle. As steadfast believers in God's Word, they had to hold onto faith when temptation arrived and things appeared tough. 

They used to dream about having their wedding at various places on Ou's campus, like in the OC or right by Bear Lake.

Joe has since graduated with his bachelors of science and shortly after, he and Roz were married. Though no longer on campus, Joe took Roz to her first day back as a  senior. Even now, people on campus tell Roz how much they admire and love their relationship.

True and selfless love has a way of standing out and inspiring others. I believe Joe and Roz's love has exhibited words penned by Paul...

"Love does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered; Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things."

1 Corinthians 13:7

With the love they share for one another, and the love they have for Jesus, they've been impressed upon to start a non-profit marriage ministry called Building Better Marriages.


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